Hand crafted interactive wooden puzzles for dogs.
Without the right kind of stimulation our pets can get bored and from this destructive and unwanted behaviours can arise. Boredom also doesn't create a happy pet and many breeds like to keep their minds working; even if they are not an active type of dog they will enjoy being mentally challenged. Puzzles are a great way to introduce mental stimulation and scent work, as they encourage natural foraging behaviour.
As you work together with your pet it helps to build a stronger bond between dog and owner.
Use with small treats or kibble to get the dog interested.
They can also help with learning commands, including sit, wait, watch and find.
Our puzzles can be used by most breeds and all ages of dogs, from puppies to older dogs. And are hard wearing so are less likely to become damaged if a dog gets excited.
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Our Dog Gallery...

Puzzles to build better bonds between dog and owner.

Puzzles to stimulate the mind and encourage natural behaviour.

Puzzles for funtime and worktime.